I offer several personal, private, 1:1 sessions each week that take place virtually by Zoom. All you really need is to feel led to book one; if you aren’t sure what to bring to the table, the visit will take care of itself as far as what comes up, where your body wants to take you, and what you are needing or desiring.
I have done hundreds and hundreds of sessions with women as my primary work for the last 15 years. I am more than used to holding space and feeling what is in front of me. I see and believe that each woman is totally unique in all the ways, so I don’t have a typical way that sessions look. I provide counsel, am often silent, listening but will ask provoking questions that may illuminate your “blind spots” (we all have them); through a combination of my own intuition, guidance, and breadth of experience in these realms.
I can hold space for stories and trauma and healing. I have worked with women planning hospital births, or home births/freebirths and have been the sounding board for questions/concerns in the realm of pregnancy, birth and mothering. I support women compassionately through the mystery and practicality of miscarriage. After birth, I have supported hundreds of women through the early days (and the later days) of the postpartum time. I offer somatic work (if appropriate) with a blend of my own magic that has roots in shamanic training and years working with wise elders. I have been on my own healing and evolutionary path for more than a decade and am also always learning and transforming.
When we start to wake up or are on the path to awakening it can feel really lonely.
As we start to disconnect from the systems and programs that we know are not “real” it can be invaluable to have support and nurturing. As humans, we have to work through a lot of muck in these bodies and ultimately realize why we are here and what vibration we choose to live at.
Whether you are pregnant, mothering, or a woman on her own spiritual path, I do promise to hold the mirror for you and with you.
You are welcome to come with a concrete list of questions or concerns or topics.
I’m happy to answer questions about home birth, midwifery care or anything pregnancy related, as a “second opinion. Some women realize that they want the invaluable mentoring and emotional/spiritual focus that should be prenatal care in a world where most “caregivers” don’t have the time or skills to be with you in this way.
For women that choose a longer relationship with me, there are the exciting options of working in ritual, ceremony and self-inquiry together. We will look into so many parts of your life together and what beliefs exist and what programs are running. Deep transformation takes time.
I invite you to sit with me and allow your beautiful self to be held, loved and guided. Whether it’s brainstorming or allowing your body to speak, these visits have the most amazing way of taking shape for your highest good. I record the sessions for your convenience and they are yours and only yours to keep or rewatch.
I, too, am guided by the stars and earth, my guides and the Universe. I believe that we co-create with Spirit and that life is a magical, crazy, sometimes really rough but mostly beautiful adventure.
I hold the vision of you shining your light more brightly in this world.
“This type of session was a first for me. I went into it not really knowing what to expect. I am currently in the final weeks of pregnancy and was feeling a bit rundown and defeated. Rather than turning on my thinking brain and chatting about it, this somatic session really helped me turn to my body and how I was feeling. Maryn was a great guide during the session, helping me to understand and tune into what I was physically feeling. It made me slow down and truly feel what was happening in my body. During the session, I noticed feeling tension and tightness in certain areas. But, as the session continued, I felt more within my body and was able to notice something as simple as the way my finger tips softly rested on my legs – which was quite soothing for me. Toward the close of the session my body even felt the desire to gently sway back and forth (like rocking a baby). This seemed to be the way my body was finding peace. And all this in just the first session. It was a great experience and eye-opener to simply taking the time to feel. Thanks Maryn! With love – XOXO Erny“
Schedule a Private Session
60 Minute Session
- Private Sessions are virtual and are delivered via Zoom.
- I will record your session and send you the link to download 24-48 hours after we meet.
- Following our session, feel free to email with any additional questions, thoughts and reflections as you integrate and process your experience.
Four – 60 Minute Sessions
- Private Sessions are virtual and are delivered via Zoom.
- I will record your sessions and send you the link to download 24-48 hours after we meet.
- Following our sessions, feel free to email with any additional questions, thoughts and reflections as you integrate and process your experience.